ERS Wellness Director Chloe Hough shows us gentle Neck Stretches for Caregivers. This helps ease stress that builds in and around the neck. You'll need a sturdy chair with arms.
ERS Wellness Director Chloe Hough shows us Torso Stretches for Caregivers. This helps ease stress that builds in and around the neck. You'll need a sturdy chair with arms.
Shannon Braun of ERS' Center for Memory Support & Inclusion and others who work in memory care will advocate for dementia needs at the Ohio Statehouse
ERS Wellness Director Chloe Hough shows us some Neck Stretches. This helps ease stress that builds in and around the neck. You'll need a sturdy chair.
A world television premier this weekend: Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra's 'Carnival of the Animals: Remix' by Camille Saint-Saëns, updated
Discover how caregivers can use Improv techniques to support dementia patients and explore various senior living options at Episcopal Retirement Services.
March is National Women's History Month, and ERS women have been making some personal history of their own in recent weeks.
ERS Wellness Director Chloe Hough shows us the Figure Eights exercise. This works your shoulders. You'll need a sturdy chair and light hand-weight or book.
Discover how caregivers can use Improv techniques to support individuals with dementia, focusing on the 3Rs: Right, Reassure, and Redirect. Learn more.
We explain how to communicate less STRESSFULLY with people who are living with dementia or Alzheimer's disease. A look at why they do what they do.
ERS Wellness Director Chloe Hough shows us the Standing March exercise. This works your legs and your arms. You'll only need something sturdy to hold onto.
Explore fitness tips for older adults in Butterflies: Part 86. Join ERS Wellness Director Chloe Hough as she demonstrates seated posture muscle exercises for a healthier lifestyle. Subscribe for more wellness insights.
Shannon Braun of ERS' Center for Memory Support & Inclusion and DD Farmer discuss ways caregivers of people living with dementia can use Improv and the 3Rs
ERS Wellness Director Chloe Hough shows us the Seated March exercise. This strengthens your hips, legs, core muscles, and if you choose, your arms.
Retirement Planning 101: What is an Entrance Fee? This is important to know when planning for retirement. Entrance Fees are investments in your future.
Hearing loss can lead to social isolation. That isolation can lead to dementia. Check your hearing, and continue meeting friends.
Podcast 51 -- Caring for Yourself and Others. Some tips about how we can care for themselves, their bodies and minds.
ERS Wellness Director Chloe Hough shows us the Chest Press exercise. This strengthens your pectorals (chest), deltoids (shoulders), and triceps (arms).
ERS President & CEO Laura Lamb calls 2022 a 'challenging but successful' year, and details the organization's vision for 2023, and for 2030
American Heart Month is especially important to these Marjorie P. Lee residents and ERS employees because each has been touched by coronary disease.
Conversations with people living with dementia can be difficult. But Shannon Braun and DD Farmer offer suggestions making discussions more pleasant.
Explore fitness tips for older adults with leg extensions and other exercises. Improve strength and overall wellbeing with expert guidance from ERS Wellness Director Chloe Hough. Subscribe for more insights.
Young Professionals enjoy working with older adults at Episcopal Retirement Services communities, and also benefit from mentoring that's available
Explore fitness exercises for older adults in this blog post, featuring Knee Lift exercises to strengthen hip joints and engage thighs. Learn from ERS Wellness Director Chloe Hough and enhance your senior fitness routine.
The ERS Center for Memory Support and Inclusion has tips about which diets are best for the brain and for the heart
ERS Wellness Director Chloe Hough introduces us to the Dirty Dozen set of exercises for older adults. It's 5 exercises + 12 repetitions = Fitness Fun.
Podcast 50 – Challenging but Successful — guests Center for Memory Support & Inclusion Director Shanon Braun, Vistalynk Founder Molly Prues & CEO Laura Lamb
ERS Wellness Director Chloe Hough introduces a balance exercise. This exercise for older adults can boost their leg strength and flexibility.
Discover how to make MLK Day more than just a day off with service opportunities and events. Learn how to honor Dr. King's legacy and create positive change.
Explore fitness for older adults with a lateral toe tap exercise demonstrated by ERS Wellness Director Chloe Hough. Improve hip muscle strength and balance with this simple yet effective workout.
We provide a range of senior living options tailored to your preferences, empowering you to embrace the lifestyle of your choice.
We’d love to hear from you! Just reach out to our expert team and we’ll be happy to help you in any way we can.