A Calendar of Events Has Deupree House Living Well

A Calendar of Events Has Deupree House Living Well

A Calendar of Events Has Deupree House Living Well

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Senior living is action-packed this month in our retirement community. Deupree House residents will be enjoying an assortment of amazing music, having many good meals, and spending plenty of evenings out on the town.

Deupree House will be enjoying the May Festival performancesSaturday, May 11

7:15PM: Bus to May Festival

The shuttle will depart for the Musical Hall for the second performance, “The Pity of War,” of the May Festival.

Monday, May 13

11:15AM: Lunch at Bobby’s Burger Palace in the Horseshoe Casino


Join us as we take a trip down to the new Horseshoe Casino to have lunch at Bobby Flay’s acclaimed new Cincinnati location. No need to pay ahead, just cover your bill during the trip.

Friday, May 17

1:10-4:10PM: Mobile mammography van

Mercy Health’s mobile mammography van will be returning to offer exams to our retirement community. The van will be parked at the end of the sidewalk past the lobby entrance of Deupree House II. Mercy Health will only be with us for 3 hours, so make sure to sign up for an appointment in the Activities book.

7:15PM: Bus to May Festival

Join us at the Music Hall for the third May Festival performance, “Legendary Tales.”

Saturday, May 18

7:15PM Bus to May Festival

Our shuttle will be offering residents a ride to the Music Hall for the final performance, “Spectacular Stories,” of the May Festival.

Sunday, May 19

3PM: CCO Concert

The Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra will be playing a number of wonderful spring songs for us during an exclusive Deupree House performance in the Event Center.

Monday, May 20

11:15AM: Brown Bag Lecture Series.

We will be taking a bus to the Museum Center for a free luncheon lecture on Cincinnati’s historical Emery family. You can bring your lunch or purchase lunch at the museum.

Wednesday, May 22

10-11AM: Seamstress Alterations

As requested, we will be bringing a seamstress from Cyndy’s Alterations into our retirement community for an hour to provide services. Bring your garments over to the Art Studio for professional alterations. Pay when you receive your bill.

4:30PM: Art Gallery Opening

We will be having a small reception to display new work by resident Lois Nebergall.

Friday, May 24

7:30PM: Learning Opportunity

We will be welcoming Albert Pyle, Executive Director of the Mercantile Library, to the Event Center for a lecture on the history and current programs of the Mercantile Library.

Sunday, May 26

5PM: Dinner at Carlo & Johnny

We will be taking a bus to Jeff Ruby’s Carlo & Johnny Steakhouse for a unique dining experience this evening.

Monday, May 27

11AM: Musical Performance

In honor of Memorial Day, we will have the Maple Knoll Big Band performing some of our all-time American favorites in the courtyard. Enjoy your Memorial Day brunch to the strains of wonderfully patriotic songs!

Tuesday, May 28

7:30PM: Lecture Series

We welcome Doris Osborne from Ohio Heart and Vascular Center to the Event Center for this evening’s installment of “Is There A Doc In the House?” She is currently an Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) therapist, and she will be discussing both her profession and heart disease.

Wednesday, May 29

12:45-4:45PM: “Bygone Stores” interviews

If you have memories of eating in one of the old downtown department store restaurants, stop by the Event Center to share your story with Bygone Tea Rooms. Research is currently being gathered for a future book where you’ll be credited even if your story isn’t included. Make sure you sign up in the Activities book to schedule your interview.

Friday, May 31

11:30AM-5:30PM: Treat Your Feet

The podiatrist will be taking appointments in the Nurse’s Office at Deupree House I, so sign up in the Activities book to schedule your appointment.

5:30PM: Bus to St. Paul Village

Join us in this celebration of ERH’s success in serving low-income seniors in our eight Affordable Living Communities. This year the celebration is called “Celebrate! Raising the Bar on Affordable Living for Seniors”. Cost is $75.00 per person. Pay Life Enrichment and Activities by Friday, May 17th. See Patee Berg to reserve seats.

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Bryan Reynolds

Bryan Reynolds

Bryan Reynolds is the Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations for Episcopal Retirement Services (ERS). Bryan is responsible for developing and implementing ERS' digital marketing strategy, and overseeing the website, social media outlets, a... Read More >

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