Are you considering a move to an assisted living center in Louisville? Many older people like you have no idea what to expect about the transition to a retirement community. Some find themselves asking many questions. Others find themselves worrying.
Some of the worries that seniors report are born of common myths about assisted living centers they hear from others, depicted on TV, or propagated on social media.
Today, let’s address some of those common myths so that you’ll be better prepared and less concerned when moving to an assisted living community.
Myth #1: There’s no privacy in an assisted living community.
Not true. Most continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs), like Episcopal Church Home, feature private apartments for their residents. For example, the Lyndon House at Episcopal Church Home offers 1-bedroom, studio, and alcove apartments in our assisted living community.
You'll have complete privacy at a CCRC within the bounds of your senior apartment or home. You can decide when visitors can come over, when you want to get up in the morning, when you want to take meals, and when you want to go to bed at night.
Myth #2: I'll be lonely.
You won’t be lonely if you don’t want to be. There will be plenty of activities, social engagements, and opportunities for you to meet people of your age.
Many retirement communities encourage residents to share their interests and talents with their neighbors. You can always organize a hobby group and get to know people who share your passions.
Myth #3: Couples can’t stay together in an assisted living community.
Many aging couples live together in retirement communities after one or both begin to need day-to-day physical support. It’s commonplace.
Often, one partner needs more care than the other. In such cases, CCRCs meet their needs by offering differing levels of care on the same site.
One spouse, for example, might reside in the assisted living household of the community while the other lives in the memory care area. So, even though both partners may not live in the same cottage or apartment, they aren’t separated by long distances and can see each other as often as they wish.
Myth #4: I won’t be able to bring my things.
Of course, you can bring your things! It’s encouraged. Decorating your space with personal effects and possessions will help your new apartment look more like your old home.
That said, there are space limitations that you’ll need to consider. Your assisted living apartment is going to be smaller than your previous residence. You might have to decide what you will or will not bring.
Possessions that are unimportant to you or unneeded can always be sold, given away to relatives, or donated to not-for-profit charities. Extra money in your pocket after a moving sale and tax breaks you can get from donating are nice rewards for your downsizing efforts.
Myth #5: I’m going there to die.
Assisted living is not hospice. You’re not going there to die — you’re going there to continue living as independently as possible. And you may have many years left to enjoy!
It’s more appropriate to think of assisted living as a step along your senior journey. It provides you with the support and physical help you need when you can’t manage everything on your own.
Transition is easier if you stay positive and flexible.
Moving into an assisted living community can be a rewarding experience. It frees you from the tasks that are most difficult for you. It gives you and your family the peace of mind of knowing that you’ll have the help you need when you need it and that your well-being will be monitored.
And it allows you to meet other seniors and make new friends!
Don’t believe the myths. If the prospect of moving to an assisted living community in Louisville gives you pause, we invite you and your loved ones to visit Episcopal Church Home and see what it’s like.
Click here to arrange your tour. Click the button to view our Lyndon House apartment floor plans.