Independent Living for Seniors Provides Entertainment in April

Independent Living for Seniors Provides Entertainment in April

Independent Living for Seniors Provides Entertainment in April

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Senior living is enriched by the musica creations of Cole Porter

We're spoiled for choice with activities and outings this month in our senior living community.  Check out a few highlights from our April Calendar.

Sunday, April 7
3PM— Life of Cole Porter Musical Revue

Don’t you just love Cole Porter? We certainly do.  Stop in at the Event Center to enjoy a delightful musical program on the life of this great American composer.


Tuesday, April 9
8:30AM— Music Hall Luncheon

Orchestra supporters can join us on the bus to the Music Hall where we will be joined by some members of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and a few special guests.  A catered lunch will be followed by conversation with new CSO Music Director, Louis Langree, and a “virtual visit” from Pops Conductor, John Morris Russell.

Wednesday, April 10
2PM— RAPTOR Inc. Presentation


Come out to the Event Center and enjoy an afternoon of fun with the birds of RAPTOR Inc. Not only will we have a chance to see some fascinating birds, but we’ll also be learning why these birds of prey are such an important part of our ecosystem.

Thursday, April 11
7:30PM— Hospice of Cincinnati Presentation

You asked, and we answered.  As requested, we will be welcoming Marie Cunningham, HOC’s Manger of Professional Relations to the Event Center for an information session with Q&A to answer your questions about Hospice of Cincinnati.

Monday, April 15
3PM— Information on upcoming technology classes


Meet us in the Event Center for an information session for an introduction to the upcoming courses on iPhones, iPads, and iPods, taught by Dr. Roger Giesel.  This information session, hosted by Dr. Giesel, will will let you know what to expect in the new courses. By the end of this series, you’ll be able to understand your new tech equipment and hopefully get more out of it.

Tuesday, April 16
6:45PM— bus to the Music Hall

Calling all CSO Subscribers! In appreciation of all your support, the Cincinnati Symphony and Pops Orchestra will be presenting the Patron Appreciation Concert, featuring works by Dvorak, Wagner, and Shostakovich. The event is free to all subscribers.  RSVP online for your complimentary tickets.

Thursday, April 18
10AM— Partnerships in Motion at the Event Center

Trying to cope with the changes in your life? This fun and interactive information session, will help you develop skills to navigate through the challenges of aging. The $25 entry fee includes lunch as well.  Make sure you pay Life Enrichment and Activities by Friday, April 12 to reserve your seat.

Friday, April 19
7:30PM— Nancy Nelson and Keith Ingham Concert

April is Jazz Appreciation Month, and we’re celebrating throughout the month!  The jazzy Nancy Nelson and Keith Ingham, are in town, all the way from New York. They will be stopping by the Event center to perform some wonderful music for us.  These very experienced, top class performers are sure to impress.  You don’t want to miss it!

Sunday, April 21
6PM— bus to the College-Conservatory of Music

Join us as we take a trip to the University of Cincinnati’s CCM.  We’re in for a treat with the concert Pianopalooza. The Conservatory’s most talented piano students will celebrate the art of the piano, with the eighth installment of this popular concert series. If we have a group of 15 or more, the cost will be $10.00. Regular ticket price is $15.00. The deadline to pay Life Enrichment is Wednesday, April 10, so please make your decision by then.

Monday, April 22
4:30PM— Art Gallery Opening Reception

We’ll be showing off new work by residents John Fix, Nancy Holterhoff, Jean Mathis, and Jean Schreiner.  Join us for art and hors d’oeuvres.

Wednesday, April 24
7:30PM— Is There A Doc In the House?

Join us to as we welcome Dr. Jason Graff to the Event Center. Dr. Graff, who is currently the Medical Director at the Deupree Cottages, will be speaking on Exercise in Aging.

Sunday, April 28
5PM— Dinner at Palomino

We’ll be taking a bus down to Palomino, for our dinner-out this month. We know it’s a big favorite around Deupree! No extra fee or charges, just pay on your own during the trip.

Monday, April 29
7:30PM— CSO Quartet

Come out and enjoy an evening of music in the Event Center. One of the CSO string quartets will be putting on a private concert for us!

Tuesday, April 30
12:30 Mariemont Theatre

This month we’ll have a shuttle to take residents to the Mariemont Theatre. The movie listings will be available on Friday, April 26, and tickets will be discounted at $6.00. 

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Bryan Reynolds

Bryan Reynolds

Bryan Reynolds is the Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations for Episcopal Retirement Services (ERS). Bryan is responsible for developing and implementing ERS' digital marketing strategy, and overseeing the website, social media outlets, a... Read More >

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