Enhance Your Senior Living Experience and Fight Arthritis Symptoms

Enhance Your Senior Living Experience and Fight Arthritis Symptoms

Enhance Your Senior Living Experience and Fight Arthritis Symptoms

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Enhance your senior living by fighting nack against fatigueWe’ve already shared a few strategies for lessening your chronic arthritis pain, but we know it’s not just the pain that’s stopping you from living well. Arthritis can leave you worn out, worn down and struggling to get through the day.

The wellness experts at Deupree House have a few simple ways you can fight fatigue and improve the quality of your senior living experience.

Snack Healthy

Avoid junk food. Sugary and fatty foods may give you a quick buzz, but the subsequent crash will leave you feeling even more listless when the sugar burns off. You’ll also want to avoid “energy” bars. These processed snacks are high in calories and low on health benefits.

Mix up your snacking with a selection of nuts, cheese, fruit, veggies, yogurt and whole grains when you’re starting to flag. The combination of food groups will boost your energy while keeping your blood sugar on an even keel. This means more energy for longer period of time without the risk of a crash later on.

Drink More Water

Getting those fabled 8 glasses a day may actually make you more alert. A little bit of caffeine in the morning can help get you ready to face the day, but the energy buzz doesn’t last long.

According to Arthritis Today, dehydration is a major contributor to fatigue.  Our bodies are made up of about 80% water which plays an essential role in transmitting neurological impulses. Dehydration thickens the blood causing it to travel to the brain more slowly and makie you feel sluggish.

So, the next time you’re feeling tired or thirsty, skip the sugary sodas or other caffeinated beverages and reach for your water bottle instead.

Laugh Yourself into a Better Space

It’s been said that laughter is the best medicine, and we don’t disagree. It increases your body’s production of endorphins and decreases the amount of stress hormones floating around your system.

Having a good laugh can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, elevate your mood and boost your immune system. And it gives you energy. The next time you start to feel sluggish, pop in a slap-stick movie, watch a few clips of your favorite comedian or flip through the funny pages.  

If you’re part of a senior living community like Deupree House, try seeking out witty conversation from a partner with a good sense of humor. The companionship will help enrich your life while sharing a few laughs will lift your mood and your energy.

Start Stretching

Take a little time to do a few simple stretches several times through the day. It can help reduce muscle tension and correct the bad posture that’s been sapping your energy, making you feel more alert. As an added bonus, stretching can also help you manage your arthritis pain. The gentle, low-impact movements help fight muscle soreness while improving joint performance and flexibility.

To get yourself into a daily routine, see if your senior living community offers wellness a class on yoga or even aquatic exercises.

Switch off the TV

While television can certainly be entertaining, it isn’t relaxing. Every time you sit down in front of the screen, you have to make dozens of subconscious decisions— Do I want to watch this program? What channel was I looking for, again? Do I need to buy that product I just saw advertised? What’s going to happen next?

Your body may be resting, but your brain is still whirling away.

When you’re feeling tired, try sneaking in a few minutes of exercise instead of a sitcom. A short walk will help keep you healthy while improving your mood and boosting your energy. As few as 10 minutes can help fight fatigue.

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Bryan Reynolds

Bryan Reynolds

Bryan Reynolds is the Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations for Episcopal Retirement Services (ERS). Bryan is responsible for developing and implementing ERS' digital marketing strategy, and overseeing the website, social media outlets, a... Read More >

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