3 Must-Follow Tech Blogs for Seniors

3 Must-Follow Tech Blogs for Seniors

3 Must-Follow Tech Blogs for Seniors

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Technology for Seniors

It seems like every new year brings another invention right out of the sci-fi silver screen—artificial hearts, 3D printing, all-in-one communication devices. Ten years ago who could have known that just about everyone would have a hand-held tablet computer—just like in Star Trek.

And technology isn’t just for young people. Many older adults are enriching their lives with the new technology. Thanks to the internet and other electronic gadgets, seniors are able to see and talk to their families at any time of the day, no matter where they live. You don’t have to miss your grandchildren’s growing up, as they are right there before your eyes on your iPad and Smartphone. It is truly a marvelous invention. Never again will you have to miss your grandchild’s first words, their first steps or that first lost tooth. With the advancements in technology, you can watch a movie or attend an online church service with a loved one who lives across the country!

Technology has made it possible for you to be a part of it all: sending letters, sharing pictures, and having conversations over the internet is quick and easy thanks to devices like iPads, personal computers and smartphones.

It can, however, be difficult enough for even the most dedicated techie to keep up with all of the new electronic creations, and seniors who are just beginning to experiment with smartphones and laptop computers can often feel overwhelmed by all of the applications and options available. It seems that the younger generation, who grew up surrounded by these new technologies, has an easier time with figuring everything out, but it is not impossible for you to learn to navigate the technology high-rope with skill.

A great way for older adults to keep up with rapid-fire advancements in technology is by reading senior-friendly blogs about technology. And, today, we’re sharing three great blogs that will enrich your life as a tech-forward senior:

1. Senior Planet

Senior Planet’s tagline is “Aging with Attitude,” and this all-in-one online community of seniors offers a whole range of features to help 60-and-up adults bring technology into their everyday lives “to learn and live a new, engaged aging.”

In addition to video discussions, personal stories, money saving ideas, courses, health tips, and in-person events for local New York seniors, this blog offers tips on how to maximize technology and reviews on the best-rated devices. On the site you can learn about You Tube, how to fix mistakes on your devices, Instagram, applications, sites, Google and more. In the Best of Tech category you will find the best electronic tools to measure your heart rate, your pulse, how to use your iPad to draw and more.

You can find the site here: http://seniorplanet.org/

2. The Download

The AARP blog also offers some great practical, real-life advice and insights in their technology section “The Download.” Reading the blog is a great way for seniors to learn about video gaming with grandchildren, communicating with loved ones on your iPad, using specialized apps on your Smartphone (like a program for seniors who suffer from hearing loss). This blog is a must for not just seniors, but tech-beginners of all ages.

You can find The Download here: http://blog.aarp.org/category/download/

3. Re/Code

Walt Mossberg’s articles on Re/Code—an “independent tech news, reviews and analysis site, from the most informed and respected journalists in technology and media”—offers great insights on all the latest products and services. Subscribe to Mossberg’s new feed or follow him on twitter (his handle is @waltmossberg) if you want to stay up-to-date on all the latest technology news.

If you’re feeling adventurous, dive into the rest of the site. Re/Code has plenty more to offer older adults, the website also features sections that are broken down in to specific topics, such as security or mobile, or by type of media, like podcasts,

You can find Mossberg’s articles here: http://recode.net/author/walt-mossberg/

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Bryan Reynolds

Bryan Reynolds

Bryan Reynolds is the Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations for Episcopal Retirement Services (ERS). Bryan is responsible for developing and implementing ERS' digital marketing strategy, and overseeing the website, social media outlets, a... Read More >

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