Why Tina Grant, a St. Paul Village Resident, is Going 'Over the Edge'

Why Tina Grant, a St. Paul Village Resident, is Going 'Over the Edge'

Why Tina Grant, a St. Paul Village Resident, is Going 'Over the Edge'

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My name is Tina Grant, and I am going Over the Edge! Just a little bit about me, I am a 66 year old resident of the Episcopal Retirement Homes Affordable Living community St. Paul Village. I should also mention that I am afraid of heights, so rappelling down the side of a ten story building isn’t exactly my idea of a good time, but this is something that is very important to me. I think for you to understand why supporting ERH Affordable Living is such a cause near to my heart you need to understand where I am coming from, and how ERH helped me. Before I moved to St. Paul Village, I lived in low income senior apartments. You have to understand that I am a person who owned my own home and worked my entire life, so moving into apartments was something I was not looking forward to. My worst fears were realized when the apartment complex turned out to be a combination of seniors and young adults, many of whom were not ready to give up their partying, their drugs, or their alcohol. The halls constantly smelled like marijuana or worse. I couldn’t sleep at night.  There was too much noise …and too much violence. Honestly, I was scared to leave my apartment. I lived in fear.

About three years ago, I was walking by St. Paul’s and saw that they were doing renovations to the building. I thought to myself, oh my God, they are making that place better? Because it is already beautiful! I decided enough was enough. I stopped in, took a tour, and put myself on the waiting list for an apartment. By the grace of God I wasn’t on the waiting list for too long, and, on December 31st of 2012, I moved into my new apartment, my new home, at St. Paul Village.

Living here is everything that I hoped it would be. The activities and amenities they offer at St. Paul Village are things that people in my income range usually can’t afford.  We have a wonderful activity planner and there is always something to do. Because a lot of us don’t drive, we have a bus that will take us everywhere from Kroger for shopping to plays and cultural events. We also have a community gym with weights and equipment and a wellness staff person that can do assessments or work with us as a personal trainer! I have a garden plot in the back where I can grow everything I need to make a fresh salad…I even grow herbs on my balcony! Life is good here. I should also mention that the people (St. Paul residents and ERH staff) are amazing. We have a real community. People take care of one another.

ERH was there for me at a time when I really needed them. I am going Over the Edge because I want to help other seniors who may be living in a bad situation and deserve better. I am going Over the Edge so I can give back to the organization that has given so much to me. I am going Over the Edge because I love St. Paul Village and the people here.  I am going Over the Edge because I am not afraid anymore. I am going Over the Edge because I have so much to be thankful for. 

My name is Tina Grant and I am going Over the Edge. To support me, and ERH affordable Living, please click on the link. Trust me, your contribution makes a difference! 

See you at the top.


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Bryan Reynolds

Bryan Reynolds

Bryan Reynolds is the Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations for Episcopal Retirement Services (ERS). Bryan is responsible for developing and implementing ERS' digital marketing strategy, and overseeing the website, social media outlets, a... Read More >

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