Nominate an ERS Employee for the 2017 Martindell Award

Nominate an ERS Employee for the 2017 Martindell Award

Nominate an ERS Employee for the 2017 Martindell Award

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Martindell_2016_winner_header.jpg(From left to right: Kim Martindell, —2016 Winner—Jerry Maco, Jack Martindell.)

Here at Episcopal Retirement Services, we’ve all experienced that special health care provider or supporting team member who has gone above and beyond to make us feel welcome, cared for and honored.

It may have been a nurse. It may have been a patient care assistant or a physical therapist. It may even have been the person who asked you how your day was, then sat and listened to you, after delivering your meal.

Today, you can let that special caregiver know just how much their words, actions, or gestures meant to you. You can nominate an ERS staff member for the Trish Martindell Award.


The history of the Martindell Award

The Martindell Award is named for our late ERS Board Chair Patricia “Trish” Martindell, who established it as a legacy to her father, John Wahlberg. Mr. Wahlberg had resided at Deupree Health Center (now Deupree House) in Hyde Park.


It’s a special, annual honor (including a $1,000 stipend) given to one deserving, non-management ERS team member who exemplifies excellence in caregiving and who strives to care for our residents in special and meaningful ways.

Martindell was originally inspired to create the award by witnessing her father’s caregivers’ devotion to service. The compassion and skill with which ERS team members treated her father made a lasting impression on her.

She joined the ERS Board in 2001, after serving as chair of Deupree Health Center’s family council during her father’s residency. She then served as the chair of our Board from 2010 to 2011. In addition to her hard work and thoughtful leadership here, Martindell served for 21 years as a volunteer and board member for the Ohio Valley chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Sadly, Martindell passed away unexpectedly in August of 2016. Her passing was a tremendous loss not only for her loved ones, but also for everyone in the ERS family — from our board membership, to our team members and to our residents.

The award that bears her name lives on as a tribute to the values that she held and that we share — namely, that seniors and their families have a right to person-centered, dignified care. We’re honored to bestow it on a deserving ERS staff member each year and, in doing so, to continue sharing Martindell’s story and vision.


Our 2016 winner: Jerry Maco

Last year’s Martindell Award went to Jerry Maco, a maintenance technician at Deupree House since 2005.

Among the many things said about him on the multiple nominations he received were that he “goes above and beyond to make sure the job is completed properly and always with a smile,” that he’s “enthusiastic in his work” and “always ready to help,” and that he is, “warm, loving and caring.” One resident even said they were, “grateful to have him in my life.”


Where else could maintenance technicians make that kind of difference, or receive that level of gratitude from someone they help? It’s that feeling — of personal ownership and responsibility to our residents, and of the joy we get in serving them — that centers us and keeps us focused on our mission.

Maco’s $1,000 check and award were presented to him Trish Martindell’s husband, Jack, and her step-daughter Kim, who have remained involved with the award selection committee.

Who should the 2017 Martindell Award go to? Tell us! 🏆

We love to hear how ERS staff members have made a positive difference in residents’ and families’ lives. Please consider taking a moment to recognize the people who have provided you and your family truly excellent care.

Fill out your nomination form here. You can submit as many individual recognitions as you like. Nominations for the 2017 Martindell Award will remain open through the end of August. The winner will be announced in October.

Who will our honoree be this year? Keep checking this blog for the announcement. It might be the staff member you nominate!

Nominate Martindell Award Winner 


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Bryan Reynolds

Bryan Reynolds

Bryan Reynolds is the Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations for Episcopal Retirement Services (ERS). Bryan is responsible for developing and implementing ERS' digital marketing strategy, and overseeing the website, social media outlets, a... Read More >

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