ERS Wellness Director Chloe Hough introduces exercises to strengthen your outer hips and glutes, make everyday tasks easier, and stay independent longer.
At Episcopal Retirement Services, there's no need to be Episcopalian, or Christian, for that matter. Our senior communities are better with diverse faiths.
Join Director of The ERS Center for Memory Support and Inclusion Shannon Braun as she shares some brain-healthy tips such as improving eating habits with the MIND Diet.
Join Director of The ERS Center for Memory Support and Inclusion Shannon Braun as she shares some brain-healthy tips such as improving sleep habits.
Black senior citizens are nearly twice as likely to have dementia as their white counterparts, a statistic the medical community is trying to grasp.
ERS Wellness Director Chloe Hough introduces exercises to enhance grip and forearm strength. Use these exercises to keep your grip strong—and stay independent longer.
Add to your areas of knowledge to stimulate your brain. Join Director of The ERS Center for Memory Support and Inclusion Shannon Braun as she shares some brain-healthy tips!
Getting active has many benefits to your health, including keeping your brain sharp. Join Director of The ERS Center for Memory Support and Inclusion Shannon Braun as she shares some brain-healthy tips!
Gala events to provide fun, friendship & crucial money for ERS’ Good Samaritan Fund, ED of Philanthropy Joy Blang encourages people to register soon.
ERS Wellness Director Chloe Hough introduces advanced chair squat, enhancing seniors' flexibility. Do this when you're comfortable with exercise video #2.
Work with your senior loved ones to plan for potential problems and make decisions in advance of a stressful event or health crisis.
We provide a range of senior living options tailored to your preferences, empowering you to embrace the lifestyle of your choice.
We’d love to hear from you! Just reach out to our expert team and we’ll be happy to help you in any way we can.