A full calendar of events and activities helps enrich senior living at Marjorie P. Lee. We’re taking advantage of the fine spring weather this month with plenty of great seasonal outings and evenings in the courtyard.
Sunday, May 12
3:30PM: Musical Guests
Our retirement community will be celebrating Mother’s Day with a performance by special musical guests! Bring your friends and family to the Chapel for an afternoon of music by Bob Pollack and Jack Rowekamp.
Monday, May 13
7PM: An Evening of Classic Music by the Piatigorsky Foundation
This evening we will have a performance by Mezzo Soprano Katherine Calcamuggio and pianist John Elam from the Piatigorsky Foundation in the Chapel. The Piatigorsky Foundation is dedicated to making live classical music an integral part of everyday life for communities throughout the United States. Gregor Piatigorsky, the renowned Russian cellist for whom the organization is named, believed that music is not a luxury for an elite few, but a necessity of life for all. Our retirement community is pleased to welcome these talented musicians.
Tuesday, May 14
7PM: Musical Performance
Saxophonist Karl Dappen will be offering our residents an evening of music in the Event Center.
Wednesday, May 15
2PM: Learning Opportunity
The “Caring Together” information series will kick off in the Lee Library. These meetings are designed to offer support to those who are caregivers, whether it is a spouse or a friend. For more information please contact Evelyn Roehrig in Social Services at 533-5042.
Thursday, May 16
1:15PM: Flight of the Butterflies

We’ll be heading to the Cincinnati Museum Center to see the new Omnimax film “Flight of the Butterflies” about the iconic monarch butterfly— a true marvel of nature. Follow the monarchs' perilous and extraordinary journey across a continent. Take an inside look at a chrysalis, thanks to advanced MRI and micro CT scans. Be captivated by the true and compelling story of an intrepid scientist's 40-year search to find the monarchs’ hideaway in Mexico. Supported by the National Science Foundation and a high quality educational outreach program, the film interweaves spellbinding natural history with an uplifting human story. The cost for this adventure is $6.50/person and is due to Life Enrichment by Monday, May 13.
Friday, May 17
11AM: Picnicking in the Park
It’s picnic season! We’ll be heading for General James Taylor Park in Newport, Kentucky for our first picnic of the season. This lovely park is at the point where the Ohio and Licking Rivers converge. There is a beautiful view of the Cincinnati skyline that we can take in while enjoying a picnic meal in the comfort of a sheltered pavilion area. We will be offering hamburgers, hot dogs and brats accompanied by baked beans, potato salad and s’mores. Beverages are also included with your meal. There is no cost for this outing but sign up early in the transportation sign-up book located in the Victoria Lobby as these trips usually fill up quickly!
Monday, May 20
3PM: Book Club
We’ll be meeting in the Lee Library to discuss The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck this afternoon. If you’d like to join us, you can find this title at the Shaw Lobby reception desk in regular, large print and audio format.
5PM: Dinner Out
We’re having dinner out at the Quarter Bistro in Mariemont tonight. You can find the menu online or in the transportation sign-up book located in the Victoria Lobby.
Tuesday, May 21
7PM: An Evening of Music
Please help welcome Frank Gallenstein to Marjorie P. Lee this evening for a wonderful mandolin performance.
Friday, May 24
2PM: Garden Party
The official opening of the Marjorie P. Lee Fountains will begin with a garden party. We will begin in the Victoria Courtyard and wander through all of our beautiful gardens before ending our tour with ice cream on the patio.
7PM: Music History in the Chapel
We’ll be hosting a musical program by Dr. Phil Crabtree this evening in the Chapel. Dr. Crabtree was a long-time faculty member at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music where he received his doctorate in music and went on to teach courses on music history and develop the Early Music Laboratory. Dr. Crabtree will take us on a musical tour of a number of historical instruments in a varied program that will include a discussion of the nature and development of instruments such as Native American flutes, recorders, and various percussion instruments.
Tuesday, May 28
3PM: Drinks and Big Band Music
The New Horizons Big Band will be performing in the Victoria Courtyard. Join us for an afternoon of cocktails and some swinging music.
Thursday, May 30
3PM: Music of 19th Century America
One of America's most beloved song writers Stephen Collins Foster (1826-64) will be returning to Cincinnati where he started on his musical career in 1846, courtesy of the Cincinnati History Museum. Mr. Foster composed more than 200 ballads— including such favorites as “Oh, Susannah,” “Camptown Races,” and “My Old Kentucky Home”— before his untimely death in New York City in 1864. Thanks to the History Museum, Mr. Foster will be able to share some of his music and his life story. He will accompany himself, and render some of his music entirely in instrumental form, on English concertina and accordion. Although he has stated that he did not, in fact, play either of these instruments during his lifetime so that he should not be regarded as a professional performer.
Friday, May 31
3PM: Poetry Group
Fred McGavran will be hosting a poetry group in the Lee Library for anyone who loves poetry.
6:30PM: Book Lecture
We will depart for a lecture by Khaled Hosseini, author of The Kite Runner, And the Mountains Echoed, and A Thousand Splendid Suns, at the Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County.